When You're The Noisy Neighbor

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

Purchase quiet appliances: Some home appliances will claim to be quiet or low sound appliances right onrepparttar box. If you’re going to buy new appliances anyway, you may as well look for ones that are quiet.

If you want to gorepparttar 110486 extra mile (and your landlord is okay with it): Install padded carpeting to absorb sound: It might not cost as much as you would think. Many carpeting companies hold on to what they call “remnants” which are basically leftovers from big jobs. Maybe 5’ x 5’ is a scrap to a big homeowner, but could cover your entire living room. You can get lush, thick carpeting for a fraction ofrepparttar 110487 original cost this way. Installing good carpeting will not only reducerepparttar 110488 noise within your apartment, it will block outside noise and will provide insulation. Good insulation helps to reduce electric bills - so even ifrepparttar 110489 cost of carpeting seems steep, you’ll probably see that money again in savings.

Install vinyl tile or thick linoleum to absorb sound: Again, you might think this is a little much... but if you were planning on re-doing your bathroom anyway, you might want to invest in material that will look good AND absorb sound.

If you have received any complaints aboutrepparttar 110490 noise coming from your apartment, and you follow any of these suggestions, it is a good idea to documentrepparttar 110491 change(s) made. This way, if you are confronted aboutrepparttar 110492 noise coming from your apartment again, and are threatened with eviction, you can prove that you have attempted to reducerepparttar 110493 noise level.

Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find rooms,apartments or roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or www.rooommateexpress.com

What Tenants Need To Do To Make Repair Rquests

Written by dan the roommate man

Continued from page 1

Be reasonable in allowingrepparttar landlord time to makerepparttar 110485 repairs. Keep in mind that you are not your landlord's only tenant. Although it would be good customer service forrepparttar 110486 landlord to respond quickly to each repair request, there is usually about a thirty day period before minor repairs have to be made (depending onrepparttar 110487 laws in your state). Major repairs which directly endanger you orrepparttar 110488 other tenants inrepparttar 110489 rental community should be taken care of immediately - usually within three days (again, this depends onrepparttar 110490 laws in your state.)

If a reasonable amount of time has passed, andrepparttar 110491 landlord still has made no effort to make repairs, follow up with a written reminder torepparttar 110492 landlord. The reminder should includerepparttar 110493 datesrepparttar 110494 first repair request was sent along withrepparttar 110495 dates and summaries of any other agreementsrepparttar 110496 two of you made. Ifrepparttar 110497 landlord still does not attempt to fixrepparttar 110498 problem, you will have grounds to take this problem to small claims court or possibly to hire a handyman yourself and deductrepparttar 110499 costs for repairs (usually up to $500.00) from your next month's rent. If you are confronted with an uncooperative landlord, it is best to seek an attorney, or to contact your local neighborhood association for advice on what you should do next. Whatever you do, make sure you keeprepparttar 110500 copies of every letter you sent to your landlord close by.

danrepparttar 110501 roommate man


Since 1989 dan the roommate man has helped 1000's of people find rooms,apartments or roommates. Need help? Contact him at 800-487-8050 or www.rooommateexpress.com

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